Why You’re Asking Too Much Of Your Partner

The modern marriage ideal suggests that we find a partner to help us become our best selves. But we also want a partner to make us feel loved, safe and secure — and that means accepting the current version of us. The person we are today. 

To help us become tomorrow’s version, we place a partner in a double bind where they have to acknowledge a difference between today’s version and the version of us we’re capable of becoming. For that, they need to be able to see us through a critical lens. 

And that can be very tough. Both on the receiving end and on the messenger’s end. 

Lots of us say we want feedback, but most of us can’t handle it. 

In this episode, I’m going to: 

  • Reveal the paradox of the modern ideal marriage.
  • Challenge you to question whether we ask too much of our partners. 
  • Encourage you to prioritize: 
    • Your need for unconditional love 
    • Finding a partner who will help you grow.

Xxoo Darcy