Dr. Darcy Is a Pussy

Welcome to Format Free Fridays at AskDrDarcy.com, the one day a week when I break the format of answering your questions and I dispense that which we rarely welcome in life: Unsolicited advice.

Today’s post is not exactly unsolicited as it was provoked by a follower of my blog who shared his opinion with me, although it is a break in the format insomuch as the writer never actually asked me a question.  So, without further delay, let me get to the writer’s email which I paste below for your review:

Dear Dr. Darcy:

I’ve been following your blog for months and I have to admit to finding it entertaining.  But the purpose of this email is not to flatter you.  I’m not sure how you call your blog a blog.  Isn’t the essence of a blog that the format is interactive?  Yours is not.  You do not allow your readers to post comments to your blog and I conclude that the reason is because you can dish out advice but can’t receive criticism.  Who would have thought that Dr. Darcy is a pussy.  Anyone can have a one-way conversation, ball out a writer who doesn’t have the privilege of your level of education.  To use your own language, I challenge you to ‘grab your ovaries’ and open up comments on your site and make it a true blog.

Writer’s Stats: Heterosexual, male.


I pondered whether or not to allow comments before launching AskDrDarcy.com.  And as tempting as it is to read comments in the vein of yours, my desire to avoid criticism wasn’t the deciding factor in precluding comments.

What you can’t fathom as a straight male is the vulnerability of members of the LGBT community, and the extent to which a Q&A forum such as mine necessitates safety in order for people to feel inclined to submit questions.  If I allowed comments, my writers would be exposed to pop-shrinks, such as yourself, who do not have the credentials or the intelligence to weigh in on matters which require an IQ above room temperature.  What I was trying to avoid was turning AskDrDarcy.com into the proverbial bathroom wall where writers might be subject to ridicule from strangers.  It’s bad enough that they take a beating from me.  Ironically, it never occurred to me that I’d be sparing myself the nuisance of having to read through comments from writers like yourself, but hey, thanks for adding to my list of justifications.

If you feel compelled to share your opinions about mine, by all means, ‘friend’ me on Facebook and feel free to comment daily (as many people do) under my post.  The reason why I don’t object to comments on FB is that the people who submit questions to AskDrDarcy.com aren’t my FB friends, so my writers remain sheltered.

As far as accusing me of being a pussy, there are so many other verbs that would fit better between the words Dr. Darcy and Pussy, and which would be far more accurate.  I challenge you to be a bit more creative.