Drunk In Love: Pacing A New Relationship

The early stage of a new relationship is like nothing else. The excitement, the intense physical attraction, the space they take up in your mind — it can be all consuming. 

A new relationship is a high you can’t find in a drug.  

Because of that, new partners can struggle to pace themselves — to slow their roll — so they don’t burn through those early months. 

Which is why pacing a new relationship can become its own thing.

And because she is in a new relationship, my co-host Ashtyn Tardif, who you’ve grown to love, joins me with all the questions! 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to handle pressure from family and friends to meet your new partner. 
  • The pros and cons of making things official on social media.
  • How to balance your personal life and independence with merging into a couple.

AND… what to do when the first “I Love You” doesn’t happen simultaneously.  

Xxoo Darcy

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