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“How To Stay In Love For Years, Decades, Or Even Forever.”

If you have experience with long-term relationships, you probably expect the wild passion of the beginning to fade over time. It’s a bit of a trade off: You accept that in exchange for diminishing fireworks, you get the comfort and security that comes from being in a stable, committed relationship. ...
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Of Course I Don’t Want To Talk About Divorce

Divorce isn’t a topic I discuss regularly.  It’s not that I’m in denial. But as a relationship therapist, people generally come to me to avoid the D word.  However, once divorce is on the table, guiding my client through the process can feel like we’re a team of two in ...
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Questioning Monogamy with Molly Roden Winter

In the west, monogamy is our default relationship model. But, to be clear, monogamy is a social construct. It is not inherent to our biology.  That’s an important fact to keep in mind throughout today’s conversation with New York Times Best Selling author, Molly Roden Winter, whose recent book “More: ...
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How To Heal PTSD with Dr. Laurel Parnell

What you may not know about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is that talk therapy is more likely to retraumatize you than to heal you.  There’s a neurological explanation for why talk therapy is often ineffective for trauma: Talking about the bad thing that happened opens up the same networks in ...
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You Will Pick The Wrong Partner — Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter

Most people think they have a history of picking the wrong partner. They describe themselves as having a “bad picker.” The problem was in their choice of partner — not in how they co-managed the relationship.  Today, I’m making the argument that we all pick the wrong partner.  You will ...
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Coming Out

For members of the LGBTQ community, coming out isn’t a one-off conversation. It’s more like a series of discussions in which the person discloses to their loved ones that they are not the expected default, and instead are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning — or some combination thereof. The process ...
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